Thursday, May 3, 2012

Craft #5-- String wrapped bottles

School has been keeping me busy lately!  So between that and a failed attempt at my next craft, I haven't gotten to post lately. So here's a simple, pretty, and actually fairly quick project for a weekend, or just any afternoon!  I actually had to go and find the pin, I didn't realize that I hadn't actually pinned it myself-- just seen it on my friends' boards. So here is the link to the pin I decided I liked best, but I didn't actually follow their directions. So, here's my version!

Basic idea: wrap a bottle in string. (A lot of my crafts seem to revolve around wrapping things)
I had these little mini glass wine bottles laying around because I thought they would make a really cute something-or-other, and then I used the same blue crochet thread from my other projects-- I had no idea it would come in this handy--and I used white glue, because it was what I had, but if you plan on using these for vases, it might be better to pick something a little less water-soluble.

I didn't peel the label off of my first bottle, thinking that I would just wrap the string really close together and you wouldn't be able to see it.  From far away you can't really tell, but from close up you can see the colors, especially the metallic, so I did peel what I could off of the second bottle, but I didn't spend too much time on it since I was still going to cover it up.
I put a dab of glue where I wanted my string to start, and smooshed it around where I wanted to start wrapping the string so there was a nice thin coating. I didn't want to end up with glue-coated string like from when I made the Easter eggs, but if that is indeed what you're going for, that could be cool too, and check out the craft!

Next step was to wind the string!
I wanted it to be nice and tight and pretty, and the best technique I found was to move the bottle rather than the string. I added more glue as I went along down the bottle, so that it didn't dry before I got there, and so that I had something not-gluey to hold.
I stopped wrapping a little bit before the bottom, just because, and smeared a nice dollop of glue onto it.
And there you go, all done! Easy peasy, you probably have everything in your house already, and it only took me about one episode of Bones to make them, so you have no excuse not to go find some bright spring-y colors and make your mom a trio of vases for Mother's Day! :) 

Questions or comments, let me know!

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