Sunday, May 19, 2013

The long-awaited (I know, I know!) #10-- Sharpie Mug

So, it's been a long time. I won't bore you with all the reasons that I let this go unattended, but I have done some crafties between then and now, I just haven't posted anything.
I'm really excited about these:
Sharpie Mugs!
Basic Idea:
Get some paint-based markers and draw on mugs! Woo!

You'll need some mugs (I got mine at the dollar store!) and some paint pens.
I tried it first as you see it online, with just normal Sharpies, (like this) but it didn't stand up to a good washing, unfortunately. So I got some Sharpie oil-based paint markers (these are the ones I bought, but I got them at a craft store... I think. Might have been Fred Meyer, though.). They come in lots of colors, according to the internet, so you should be able to do whatever designs you can dream up! :)

My first mug was a Batman mug, for my boyfriend. I found a good picture of the logo online, which I then traced and cut out as a stencil. With a pencil, I traced the design onto the mug. Pencil worked out perfectly, because it rubbed right off the surface-- didn't even need an eraser!
Once I was happy with the design, I outlined it with the pen, and started coloring it in...

Pretty straightforward, huh? and so cool!
If you mess up with the paint, a Q-tip with nail polish remover, or even a cotton ball, if you want to wipe everything off, will do the trick. you might need two, though-- one smears it around, and the other will wipe up the leftover color.

I got a little more abstract and free-handed the mug I gave my roommate:

I stole (because it was so cute!) the idea for one I gave my little sister (the Harry Potter one in the middle) from this website, which is also where I got the baking instructions, though I did double check them against several other websites, just for good measure.

So once you're done drawing, put the mugs on a cookie sheet and pop it all in the oven, then turn it on at 350 for half an hour, letting the mugs preheat and cool down in the oven.
The Batman and Harry Potter mugs I baked at my parents' house, and the colors stayed pretty true, but the ones below I baked in the oven in my apartment, and the colors got a little deeper, which is fine, they look great, but something to maybe just be aware of.

This is round 2-- the mugs I'm keeping! :)  My language nerdiness got the best of me.

"La vie est faite de petits bonheurs" 

If you have any questions let me know!

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